April was Oral Cancer Awareness Month

“An oral cancer screening is a quick and painless part of your ordinary dental examination,” says Dr. John Reckner, F.A.G.D. “Although we perform cancer screenings all year long, in April we support OralCancerCause.org, a national foundation that helps patients and their families undergoing treatment for oral cancer.” In April our team wore purple ribbons, and educated our patients about the importance of early detection. Learn more about the benefits and how easy it is to have an oral cancer screening.

Bubble Gum Challenge!

This year we participated in the Bubble Gum Challenge! Many oral cancer patients are not able to chew gum … or blow a bubble. We blew bubbles for those who cannot.

We made a donation to Oral Cancer Cause’ Bubble Gum Challenge and encourage our community to support their mission. All donations to this nonprofit are tax deductible and go to helping patients and their families during treatment and to educating the public about the importance of oral cancer exams.


Social Media: View our photos to Instagram@oralcancerblows and on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/oralcancercause or search using hashtags #bubblechallenge17, #oralcancerblows, #oralcancercause, and #wrrSmiling, or send pictures and/or videos to our office and we will post them for you. Our office hashtag is #wrrSmiling.