Message from Dr. Reckner and his family
To our Wonderful Patients and Community of Friends,
Many of you may have heard that Dr. Reckner’s family home was destroyed by fire this past Saturday. Thankfully, no one was injured but because so many from our community have reached out, we wanted to share a message from Dr. Reckner.
“It has been a fast life-altering 24 hours, but we are all doing very well. Truly all of your well wishes are felt and your offers of assistance are humbling.
To be brief but also keep everyone up to date with accurate information. No one was at home, our dogs included (Willie our barn cat made a run for it), and none of the fire fighters were hurt. The house is completely gone except for our garage and barn, which were bravely defended by so many area fire fighters (we believe 7 companies joined in helping) and our home builders who raced a track-hoe to the scene. When we finally returned home from Cape May, it was all over. We are quite grateful for not witnessing any of the blaze.
The entire family is doing well. We have settled at my in-laws’ house nearby and are comfortable. There is a good, calming feeling, especially for the children, to be with grandparents/parents. Some people only escape a fire with the clothes on their backs, we have a suitcase with shorts and t-shirts!! Kids are already busy getting things ready for school. We are a faith-filled family and know we only lost “stuff”. We continue to thank God for our safety and that of all those involved in the fire. The memories and love we shared in that home continue to live on within us as we replace necessities of daily life.
Continued thoughts and prayers are all we need at this time. We truly appreciate all the offers of assistance, but for now a donation to your local fire department is the best help you could give. The love we feel from my amazing work family, our friends, neighbors, and community keeps us positive and energized as we begin planning to rebuild our home.”
With all our hearts, thank you,
John, Carol, Erin, Clare, Jack and Colin