The Importance of Oral Health as Your Kids Head Back to School

As summer winds down and the hustle and bustle of the school year is upon us, it’s easy to forget about those upcoming dental appointments. Keeping up with your child’s oral health is essential for not only a healthy mouth but overall physical wellness.

At Weaver, Reckner, and Reinhart Dental Associates, one of the leading dentists in Souderton and Harleysville, our team is committed to providing the best dental care for you and your family. Dental health is closely related to academic success, meaning that those back-to-school checkups can help catch any potential problems before they become a hindrance in the classroom. Cavities and other mouth issues can lead to pain and difficulty in speaking and eating. During the back-to-school visit, the hygienist and dentist will clean your child’s teeth, take X-rays if necessary, and review proper brushing and flossing techniques. 

A Healthy Smile Starts at Home

Caring for your child’s teeth is more than a trip to the dentist. A successful oral health routine begins at home. When packing school lunches, be sure to include a balanced selection of healthy snacks as well as foods rich in calcium to encourage healthy teeth enamel. 

Monitor sugar intake, including those sports drinks and juices which contain a high serving of sugar. Water is a great alternative to keep your child hydrated, and the teeth enamel strong. Regular consumption of sugary drinks can have a negative impact on oral health. Sugar remains on the teeth, eventually eating away the enamel, making the tooth thinner and weaker. These drinks are one of the most common causes of tooth decay.

Encourage regular brushing and flossing. As hectic and busy schedules arise this fall, keeping up with the dental routine is so important in maintaining proper oral health. For younger children, establishing a set time or an activity for brushing after breakfast and before bed can help to make sure that these steps aren’t forgotten. Brushing together with your child or playing their favorite song while they brush can make it less of a ‘chore’ and something to enjoy. 

Remember, the key to great oral hygiene is repetition. Establishing a routine that works for you and your family can keep you on the right track to a healthy mouth. And when it is time for your next dental exam and cleaning, we are here for you! Weaver, Reckner, and Reinhart Dental Associates offers convenient early morning and evening appointments to accommodate busy lifestyles. For more information about our practice in Montgomery County or Bucks County, visit our website or contact us at 215-486-1649/215-486-1652.